Aidshilfe Düsseldorf e.V.
Johannes-Weyer-Str. 1
40225 Düsseldorf
Telephone: 0211 - 77 09 50
Telefax: 0211 - 77 09 527
Opening hours:
Mondays until Thursdays:
10 am - 1 pm and 2 pm - 5 pm
10 am - 1 pm
Executive, voluntary board of the organization:
Werner Josten, Christian Hillen, Jan Wippermann, Harald Schüll
Tel.: 0211 - 77 09 50
Management Board
Dilan Batuk
Psychological Support and Advice
Tel.: 0211 - 77 0950
Montag und Mittwoch: 9:30 - 17:00 Uhr
Dienstag und Donnerstag: 8:30 -16:00 Uhr
Freitag: 9:00 - 13:00 Uhr
Jonas Brandt
Trans*beratung Düsseldorf
Tel. 0211 - 77 095-25
Darja Fong
Advice for people in prison or have been imprisoned
Tel: 0211 - 77095-22
Marco Grober
Head of "Regenbogen + "
Checkpoint Düsseldorf / Gay assault hotline
Tel: 0211 - 77 095-30
Heike Gröper
Fundraising and Public Relations
Tel: 0211 - 77 095-42
Yvonne Hochtritt
Head of Fundraising and Public Relations
Tel: 0211 - 77 095-41
Alexandra Frings
Advice for people with a migration biographie
Office hours: Tuesday - Friday
Tel.: 0211 - 77095-23
René Kirchhoff
Advise for men who have sex with men
Project: "Altern unterm Regenbogen"
Tel: 0211 - 77 095-20 / 01590-4125977
Kevin Matuke
MiSSA Düsseldorf (Network MiSSA NRW)
Tel: 0211 - 77 095-23
Office time:
Monday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Annette Rau
Public Relations and Fundraising
Website / Newsletter
Tel: 0211 - 900 972-57
Tuesday until Friday
Dee Raushanfikri
Coordination Herzenslust Düsseldorf
Tel. 0211-77 0950
Julia Sanchez-Jochum
Fundraising and Public Relations
Coordination of Volunteering
Tel: 0211 - 77 095-44
Viola Schilling
Human resources / data protection officer
Tel.: 0211 - 77 095-14
Andreas Stahlberg
Finance and accounting
Tel.: 0211 - 900 972-50
Miro Werner
Prevention for men, who have sex with other men
Project: Network PRADI NRW
Tel: 0211 - 77 095-31
Sylvia Zdrzalek
Teamlead Youthwork and Schlau
Tel. 0211 - 77095-34
mobil: 0176-18009830
Vanessa Zemke
Advice for women and their families
XXelle NRW
Monday - Thursday
10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Tel: 0211 - 77 095-21