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Women and their families

Aidshilfe Düsseldorf offers special consultation and support services for women with HIV/Aids and their families.

We provide advice in regards to female-specific questions in regards to HIV infections, such as the respective transmission, sexuality and relationships, the wish to have children and pregnancy, family subject matters and financial assistance.

Contact and exchanges may assist in coping with an infection. Our group and health offers provide an opportunity to meet other women with HIV and to exchange experiences with people, who are in a similar position. Please contact us.


XXelle - Aidshilfe Düsseldorf is participating!

Aidshilfe Düsseldorf e.V. also represents the interests of women with HIV and Aids on a communal, state and Federal level. XXelle focuses on female issues in North-Rhine Westphalia, as well as jointly developed quality targets in regards to women and aids. The aids support organizations and other organizations in North-Rhine Westphalia are working together and have developed a network for female-related HIV health work for now 25 years .

This offer is kindly supported by Heartbreaker, the sponsor circle of Aidshilfe Düsseldorf e.V., as well as means provided by the state of North-Rhine Westphalia for target-group specific prevention.


More information about "Women with Aids and HIV" can be found here (in German only):




Vanessa Zemke (sie)

Advice for women and families
XXelle NRW
Monday - Thursday
10:00 - 15:00 Uhr
Tel. 0211 - 77095-21

Contact via E-Mail