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Staying with the man – offers for gay men and MSM

Health prevention for gay men and men, who have sex with other men, continues to be an important subject matter.

Our street worker works in various areas of the gay scene. He offers consultations, education and advice on site in regards to HIV/ Aids and safer sex. But he is also happy to discuss other subject matters, such as sexually transmitted diseases, hepatitis, and addiction and relationship problems.

In the prevention office of Aidshilfe Düsseldorf, we furthermore provide informational and safer sex material during our opening hours. We are also happy to arrange personal consultations. Please contact us.

Aidshilfe Düsseldorf e.V. promotes the acceptance of same-sex lifestyles!

This service is kindly supported by Heartbreaker, the sponsor circle of Aidshilfe Düsseldorf e.V.


Herzenslust - Health!angels

The North-Rhine Westphalia campaign “Herzenslust", which has existed since 1995, has also been successfully implemented in Düsseldorf and is represented by many faces: the Health!angels! They are present at many parties and events, with various activities and new ideas, in order to ensure that topics, such as HIV, Aids and safer sex are in people’s minds. They have cruising packs, informational brochures and other preventative materials for men, who have sex with men!

If you are interested in “Herzenslust”, you are very much welcome. The Health!angels meet every second Thursday of the month at 7:00pm at Aidshilfe Düsseldorf.

The Düsseldorf team for “To the heart’s content” is part of the online live Chat of Deutsche Aidshilfe e.V. and can be reached via www.health-support.de

Marco Grober (he/him)

Prevention for men who have sex with men
Gay assault hotline
Project Coordinator Checkpoint Düsseldorf
Tel.: 0211 - 77 095-30

Contact via E-Mail
Dee Raushanfikri (he/him)

Coordination Herzenslust Düsseldorf
Prevention for men who have sex with men
Tel: 0211 - 900972-67

Contact via E-Mail

Checkpoint Düsseldorf

HIV and STI tests

Aidshilfe Düsseldorf offers HIV tests and STD checks for gay and bisexual men. Every Tuesday evening from 7-9pm. Check it out!

More information

Personal advice

A matter of trust!

Any personal advice provided by Aidshilfe Düsseldorf is free of charge, confidential and, upon request, anonymous.


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Online advice

Any time and anonymously.

You can contact our advisors online via email or personal chat.

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