Our group offers
If not otherwise indicated, the groups take place directly at Aidshilfe Düsseldorf.
Aidshilfe Düsseldorf
Loft-Café, 1. Etage
Johannes-Weyer-Straße 1
If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us:
Telephone: 0211 - 77 09 50
Email info@duesseldorf.aidshilfe.de

Advice, integration and group offer for gay and bisexual male migrants and refugees.
Miro Werner
Telephone 0211 - 770 95 31
Dates and location:
please see our German site here

The self-help group for transsexuals meets regularly on the second Wednesday evening each month, 7-9 pm). If you are interested to join us, you are welcome to take part. However, we kindly ask you to contact us before as a preliminary talk (in personal or by telephone) is required.
next meeting(s):
please see our German site here

SportHIV - sport activities for men with and without HIV/Aids
Since autumn 1996 we are offering "Sport HIV" - a group of gay men with and without HIV who do sports activities together. The group is led and supervised by a sports teacher. We like to work on our fitness, play volleyball, do circuit training - and like to have fun together. New members are always welcome!
Meeting point:
Monday evening (except during school vacation)
8 - 10 pm
Turnhalle (gym)
Gemeinschaftsgrundschule Helmholtzstrasse
Helmholtzstrasse 16
40215 Düsseldorf

Getting older - 50plus
A group of Aidshilfe Düsseldorf for gay and bisexual men with or without HIV over 50 years old.
Dates, time and location:
please see our German site here
René Kirchhoff
Group Name | Meeting Point | Date |
Network PRADI NRW | AWO Düsseldorf, Liststr. 2, 40470 Düsseldorf (room 222) | usually Wednesday night, see dates above |
Trans*Group | Aidshilfe Düsseldorf Johannes-Weyer-Str. 1 40225 Düsseldorf | see dates above |
Positiv älter werden - 50plus | Aidshilfe Düsseldorf Johannes-Weyer-Str. 1 40225 Düsseldorf | 7 - 9.15 pm / dates please check out on German website |
Sport HIV | Turnhalle GGS Helmholtzstr. 16, 40225 Düsseldorf | Monday evening, 8 - 10 pm, not during school holidays |