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PEP / Safer-Sex-Accident

Just in case: quick help after safer sex accidents

Things can go wrong when practicing safer sex. But don’t panic, it is very important to act quickly. Even if one of the partners is HIV positive, an infection can most likely be prevented with a PEP.

Things can go wrong when practicing safer sex. Condoms may rip or slip off. Sometimes they are forgotten in the midst of everything. If one of the partner’s is HIV positive, there is a possibility, that the HIV is transmitted. You should not panic in such a situation: an HIV infection can most likely be prevented.

You will need to take HIV medication for four weeks. The medication prevents HIV from settling in the body. This treatment is also referred to as post-exposition-prophylaxis, or in short: PEP. In short, this means “post-risk-treatment.”

Important: PEP needs to be started as soon as possible after the HIV risk. Ideally within 2 hours, or within 24 hours, but within 48 hours at the latest. It is not clear, whether PEP is still effective within 72 hours (three hours) of the accident.

Below is a list of clinic addresses, which offer PEP around the clock. (Please click on “extended search” and “24-hour PEP centers”).


Additional information (in German):

2013 Deutsch-Osterreichische Leitlinien zur Postexpositionellen Prophylaxe der HIV-Infektion.pdf

HIV PEP Indikation nach sexueller Exposition.pdf

Sofortmaßnahmen nach sexueller Exposition.pdf

Checkpoint Düsseldorf

Aidshilfe Düsseldorf offers HIV tests and STD checks for gay and bisexual men. Tuesday evening from 7-9 pm. Check it out!

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