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Gay assault hotline Düsseldorf (SÜT)

0211 - 19228

The gay assault hotline (SÜT) offers anynymous advice and help for gay and bisexual men, who have been a victim of violence.

SÜT offers anonymous advice and help, either via telephone or in person, should this be requested. The service not only deals with classic “attacks”. The SÜT also assists in cases of mobbing, stalking or domestic violence.

Did you experience any violence?
Have you been dissed or even got raped?
Do you experience violence in your partnership?
Are you discriminated or bullied at work?

Call us!
We can inform and help you with next steps.
We are happy to give you advise or just listen to you!

Phone number: 0211-19228

Thursday 2.00 - 4.00 pm

SÜT Düsseldorf ist NO hotline for emergency cases! In case of danger and emergency please call the police at 110!!!

Even if no direct assistance is required, it makes sense to notify violent attacks to the SÜT for documenting purposes, as anti-gay violent attacks are otherwise not registered at all.

SÜT Düsseldorf is a cooperation project of www.rubicon-koeln.de und Aidshilfe Düsseldorf. For further information please refer to www.vielfalt-statt-gewalt.de

Marco Grober

Prevention for men who have sex with men
Gay assault hotline
Project Coordinator Checkpoint Düsseldorf
Project Coordinator Herzenslust Düsseldorf
Tel.: 0211 - 77 095-30

Contact via E-Mail