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Relatives and next of kin

Advice for next of kin

Aidshilfe Düsseldorf offers advice and information to relatives and next of kin of people with HIV/ Aids.

Many relatives/ next of kin prefer to have a consultation by themselves to begin with, as they would like to clarify any problems they may be experiencing with their partner. Others seek exchanges with other affected persons. Some often only need a little encouragement to know that they are on the right path and that they have finally found someone, who will listen to them. Fact is, however: it is still really difficult to talk about Aids and its development with family and friends.

Our psychologists offer advice with focus on:

  • Psychological crisis intervention
  • Anonymous telephone and internet consultations
  • HIV test consultations
  • Sexual advice
  • Medical advice
  • Supervising people, who are active in regards to Aids work
  • Training of voluntary staff
  • Hospital visitations
  • Terminal care

We are there for you – please contact us!

This offer is kindly supported by Heartbreaker, the sponsor circle of Aidshilfe Düsseldorf e.V.